Monday, 23 November 2009

Visitation of God

Do you remember my last post in May when I left my (thankfully non-existent) readers holding their breath as to what my ancestor Matthew Knight died of?

Well, I waited for the certificate to arrive (although not as long as I waited to post the results) and there was an inquest and he died by a Visitation of God.

Just like Elijah.


Sharman said...

Your readers are not non-existent Vicky, I pop in from time to time to see what you are up to with your FH.

Love the "visitation of god" causes of death, you just wonder what actually happened don't you or was it just the doctor couldn't think of anything better and it seemed plausible. :o)

Vicky said...

Aw, thanks. I shall try to do better with the writing here, but it's been a very quiet year for family history for me.

And, I know, someone at work told me this was something they'd come across on their family tree and I was most amused - and now I also have a Visitation of God in mine, too!