Will you believe it? I've stopped being the completely lazy family historian I've been of late and, during a visit to Somerset, actually managed to do some new research.
I looked into my Knight line, largely based in Broomfield, a small village near North Petherton in Somerset. I had rather arbitrarily decided previously that they looked rather dull in comparison to other lines and left them alone. Of course, as it turns out, they proved to be quite intriguing after all. (I'm sorry, it was a case of 'not more ag labs').
It looks as though my ancestor Matthew Knight, despite only being listed as an ag lab in most cases, may have been (briefly?) parish clerk. His daughter's marriage certificate records this as his occupation and while it does look very much like boasting to the in-laws after he was safely dead, I can't quite dismiss it. She married in the same parish, so someone would have known she was not being truthful. Plus, he could not only sign his name with some confidence, but he does turn up as witness on a few unrelated marriages at one point. I'd noted that earlier, thinking he looked as though he was acting as a 'professional' witness. So maybe it's not entirely out of the question? Certainly, I'll have to investigate.
Plus, I know why I couldn't find his youngest son Abel now that I also found his marriage entry in the register. He's listed as being in the marine artillery. Aha. Ha.
And, barring one link I have to confirm, I've got another line straight back to the 17th Century. I might even have reached my first Commonwealth gap.
Not bad, considering I didn't think I was going to get to go to the SRO after all and didn't really bring my proper notes with me (hence the decision to try a new line).
I've also located Matthew's burial entry, so I can now send for his death certificate. And I do have birthday money, so...
Watch this space. (Well, don't hold your breath, because I can't promise not to get sucked back into other things as I have done lately.)